Room 3 and 4 have been doing lots of learning about numbers this year. Each day we have been putting a stick in the jar until we got up to 100. We count the sticks, talk about the number that comes before and after the number of the day. We figure out if it is odd or even and we work out how many more days until we get to 100. To celebrate all of our learning, we had a party! Here are some pictures of the delicious food we had and some pictures of the activities about 100 that we did.
We made jewellery with 100 beads
We tried to stack 100 cups
We made a chain of paper people and tried to get 100 in a row

We made glasses out of the number 100

We built towers with 100 blocks
We did challenges to see how many bounces, etc we could do in 100 seconds.
We made a caterpillar with 100 legs