Monday, 18 March 2019

Life Education

Every two years Kilbirnie School invites Life Education to come along to teach us about Looking After Ourselves. We chose to study "What does our body need to stay healthy and happy?"
For those of you who do not know about Harold well here he is!!!!!!


This is his best friend Charlotte, who travels with him all around Wellington. They visit lots of different schools and we have so much fun when we go into the caravan. Today Harold had to decide which cereal was best for him and we helped him to decide by looking at the different cereals and finding out about which one had lots and lots of sugar in it. We told Harold the cereal with lots of sugar in in was not healthy. The next visit we sorted foods out into three different categories.:-
Go To Food              Fruit, vegetable and cereals
Sometimes Food       Dairy products, fish and meat
Occasional Foods     Sweet foods

We will be sad to see Harold leave and look forward to seeing him in 2021.

Rugby Training Sessions

We were very excited when we found out that a member of the Wellington Axeman Rugby Club was coming to give us coaching sessions.  We have had two sessions with Jamie and each time we started off with warm up games followed by a skills session.  We did lots of fun games like running in and out of the cones and  throwing and catching the ball to our buddy. The coach thought we were very fast at our running skills and maybe one day we will represent New Zealand playing rugby.
Next term we look forward to going to the ASB  where we will be taught gymnastic skills.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Monarch Butterflies

Last week Mrs Patel brought a swan plant into Rm 1 with two Monarch Caterpillars and some eggs on it. We watched the caterpillars get bigger and bigger, as they munched on the leaves. Baby caterpillars hatched out of the tiny eggs that were hiding under the leaves. The caterpillars gobbled up all the leaves on the first plant, so we had to get a second swan plant for them to eat. After a week the biggest caterpillar found itself a good position and started curling up.  Within 2 days it had turned into a beautiful green chrysalis with gold dots. For 10 days we waited patiently, until eventually the chrysalis got darker. On Monday, we came to school and were excited to see a Monarch Butterfly sitting on our swan plant, pumping its wings. It was orange and black with white dots all around the edges of its wings. We knew that it was a female because it didn't have two black dots on its hind wings. When it was strong enough we took our Monarch Butterfly outside into the garden and set it free. 

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...