Sunday, 16 December 2018

Rm 1 Wheels Day

As a special treat for completing our class sticker chart, Room 1 had a wheels day.
Some of the senior children from Room 9 set up 3 tracks on the bottom court for us to follow. We all bought our scooters and helmets from home and scootered around the different tracks which were very challenging and fun.

Christmas Rotation

On Friday we had a Christmas Rotation in the Ngake Hub. We were split into different groups, which meant we were working with children from different classes. There were four Christmas activities to do and we had so much fun. Below you can see photos of us all in various classrooms making either a reindeer, a gingerbread house, a christmas tree or an angel.

Christmas Party

What a busy week we have had!
On Tuesday we had our Christmas party in the hall and then Santa Claus came carrying a sack full of goodies and handed them out to us all.  We told him we had been good boys and girls and he asked us what we wanted for Christmas.  He didn’t stay too long as he had to get back to his Grotto to continue getting all the toys ready.  
Only 7 more sleeps to go!!!!!!!!

Pack the bus

This term our school value is Empathy. Every year we are always thrilled to take part in this event, where we are invited to bring along a gift to place on the bus. By doing this we are helping families who are not as fortunate as we are. Over three hundred gifts were donated by our school and we hope this will make Christmas a happier time for everyone.

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...