Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Room 10 shares their inquiry projects with the Ngake Hub

Now that our Inquiry relating to Citizenship has finished, Matairangi Hub invited us to visit them, so they could share the inquiries they had been working on.
Some of the topics they had researched included:-
  • Looking after our environment
  • Homelessness
  • Plastic pollution in the ocean
  • Making reusable sandwich wrappers 
  • One group were organising a Plastic Free Day at our school.

We were very impressed with their presentations and learned so much about the different topics.

Tennis with Hamish and Troy

These pictures show Room 4 taking part in tennis coaching with Hamish and Troy from Kilbirnie Tennis Club.  Here we are passing the ball to each other and stopping the ball as it rolls towards us.

Thursday, 2 August 2018

100's sticker chart

At the end of last term, Rm 1 children celebrated completing our 100’s sticker chart.  As a reward, we decided we would like to have a “soft toy” picnic.

We all brought along our favourite toy and had some yummy food to eat.  We helped Mrs Patel and Mrs Brown to make popcorn in the machine.  We also cut fruit into halves/quarters and buttered our own bread.  We then added some sprinkles on top.

We can’t wait until we complete our 100’s chart this term.  We wonder what we will chose as our reward next time.


All students have now had two sessions in the Mindfulness and Māori mythology (3M) programme. This programme is designed for primary school children and is delivered by Wellington based Yoga teacher Jase Te Patu. 3M introduces children to basic relaxation and mindfulness techniques as they listen to a traditional
Māori legend.

ASB sessions

This term Rm 1 go to the ASB every Monday morning.  It’s a great way to start the week. We get on the bus and when we get to the ASB, Miles and Kay are there to meet us.

We begin our sessions with warm up activities and play little games which involve running and jumping and then we practise different stretches such as pike, tuck and straddle.  We also practise jumping and landing, finishing in the “motorbike” position.  After these exercises, we move onto the gymnastics circuit.

Here we are showing lots of different skills such as climbing, balancing, jumping, bouncing and learning how to do a forward roll.

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...