Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Easter Time

The children are all excited about the Easter Bunny coming soon. 

Rm 1 children are making their Easter baskets in the hope of an egg appearing in them before 3 o’clock.

Yeah, their wishes came true.

 Rms 3 and 4 are very proud of their crazy  Easter eggs they made and showed them in assembly.

A great big thank you to Ursula’s Mum and big sister Francesca for helping the children to make hot cross buns.

Waiting for the dough to rise

Looking good !!!!!

Hope there's enough for everyone?



Thursday, 8 March 2018

Football lessons every Friday

For the next four weeks, each class from Ngake Hub will go up to the top field for football lessons.
Two players from the Wellington United Football Club will come to teach us basic skills.
They are :- Guille from Argentina and Maika from Australia.

As a warm up we played four games.


Stuck in the Mud

Traffic Lights

What's the Time Mr Wolf?

Where did the time go?  We had lots of fun and are now ready for some lunch.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Kei te pēhea koe? - How are you?

During our lesson with Rachel, the children in Ngake Hub were practising saying how they were feeling in Maori.

These children are feeling angry
          Kei te rīrī au.     


These children are feeling happy
Kei  te koa au

These children are feeling sad
Kei  te  pōuri au.  

These children are feeling hungry

Kei te hiakai au

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...