Thursday, 30 November 2017

Pack the Bus

Today, we celebrated our annual event -  'Pack the Bus.' We were all very excited to see Santa and his elves arrive in the big red and white bus.
We all walked down to the bus and placed our gifts inside and said good bye to Santa and wished him a Merry Christmas.  It was great hearing all the Christmas music and we were able to sing along to the songs.
We are always amazed at the generosity of our parents - THANK YOU so much.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Jump Jam

The more the merrier!  - every Friday, Rooms 1,2,3,& 4 join together for a session of Jump Jam in the hall.  We love it!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Swimming Lessons

Today we had our second swimming lesson in our new heated swimming pool - and who wouldn't want to go swimming on such a beautiful day!  The water was lovely and warm and we had so much fun blowing bubbles, splashing about and floating on the flutter boards.  As you can see from the photos, we all enjoyed our lesson and look forward to getting into the water again next week.

Playing in the bark

Today, some of the Room 1 & 2 girls had a wonderful time playing in the bark with the trucks.  We are so lucky to have lots of activities to occupy us during  our lunchtime.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017


Today, Tom the fireman came to visit us at the Ngake Hub to talk about being fire safe.  We watched a movie about a candle that was put on the window sill under an open window.  Very quickly, the flame from the candle set the curtain on fire and smoke and flames filled the room.

Tom read us a story about Rose who was woken up when her smoke alarm went off one night.  She leapt out of bed and shouted "fire!" then dropped to the floor and crawled out of her room and out of the house.

Tom showed us a fire alarm and we heard the loud noise it made when it was set off.
We practised yelling out "FIRE" as loud as we could shout - that was cool!

When Tom put on the smoke alarm again, we all DROPPED onto our knees and CRAWLED on the floor,  under the black blanket and out of the room.
Tom then gave us time to answer many of our questions.
We really enjoyed Tom's visit and look forward to his return in a few weeks when he brings his Fire Engine along to show us - how exciting!

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Kilbirnie School Sport's Day

We had such a wonderful time at our Athletics’ Day on Wednesday.
We were so excited when the bus arrived and on arriving at Newtown Park we were put into groups.  We had some of the older children from Rms 3 and 4 in our groups too. 
We watched the Year 2 children doing sprints and then we went off to our different activities.  There were six activities:

  • The Sack Race
  • The Egg and Spoon Race
  • Three Legged Race
  • Vortex Throwing
  • Underarm Throw
  • Lilly Pad Leap
We spent fifteen minutes at each event and half way through we stopped for lunch.  The weather was so beautiful and we all had sunscreen and hats on to protect us.

Here are some extracts from the stories the children wrote the following day.

“I threw the vortex off and it went just like a rocket.  Mine hit Wendy and she laughed.”

“Ready! Steady! Go!  I was in the lead.  My friend and I fell down so I didn’t win.”

“My favourite thing was the sack race because there was lots of jumping.”

“Yeah we’re off to Athletics” We were the first to arrive at the park.  We did the sack race and on the practice, I won but on the real sack race I lost.

As you can see from the photos we had so much fun and next year, when we do these events again, we are sure we will be much better at them.

When we returned back to school, we were all very tired but we had the most amazing day.

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...