Thursday, 6 July 2017

Alistair Fraser - demonstrates his musical instruments

Today, Alistair Fraser came to our school and showed us a great variety of instrument. These were all made from natural resources, such flutes made of wood , bones of animals, shark's teeth, whale bones and snail shells.  He demonstrated  the many sounds all of these instruments produced.  We were fascinated with his performance and maybe, in the school holidays, we might find items we can use for our own instruments.

Matariki workshops

Last week we were very busy with Matariki workshops. Some of us helped prepare the evening feast, carved soap pendants, made flax flowers, practised with pois, created a digital pa or cooked and ate kumara. It was such a fun day learning about Maori traditions. Then we ended the day with shared kai with our whanau as we celebrated Matariki together.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Ngake Hub Christmas Party

Last Thursday, the famous Ngake Hub Christmas Party was held in our school hall! There was lots of delicious food set out on the tables and ...